Oct 27, 2018

The Dead Sea-still salty that it's so hard to actually swim in ;)

Lots of thoughts and events I’ve been thinking about sort of all culminated at the baptismal site of the Savior today. I’ll do my best to make some sort of sense but if this just ends up a giant word vomit plus some pictures, do forgive me!

First of all, last week in district conference and reiterated yesterday during sacrament meeting, our District President spoke about the importance of the Sacrament and how it really should be the pinnacle of our week, theee most important 5-10 minutes (maybe longer if your ward is bigger than our lil baby branch which is quite likely). 

I tried to reflect on that this week and make some changes. 

WHAT is my attitude towards the Sacrament? 

HOW am I showing the Lord on His day AS WELL AS throughout the week, that partaking of the bread and water, renewing my covenants, repenting of my sins and mistakes, recommitting my heart and life to Him, and reflecting on the Atonement of Jesus Christ are more important to me than anything else that might be going on in my life? 

One can’t reflect on the importance of the Sacrament without also turning to our baptismal covenants as that is the promise we are renewing. Moroni 4-5

“That they may witness unto Thee, O God, the Eternal Father that they are willing to take upon them the name of Thy Son, and always remember Him, and keep His commandments that they may always have His Spirit to be with them.” 

Do I ALWAYS remember Him, like I promise to?

Am I taking His name upon me weekly? Daily? Hourly? What does that look like?

Am I striving to keep ALL of His commandments, and trying to improve each week?

Am I prioritizing the companionship of His Spirit?

Also, it was super rainy/windy/stormy/flash floody here which has made the air soooo clear! Like breathing has never felt this good people! Driving around, everything was sooo clear and we could see Jericho, Jerusalem, and everything the light touches which is our kingdom! Ustez Kirk says he’s never seen it that clear before. The words from the primary song Baptism came to mind and seemed super appropriate considering the circumstances aaand where we were heading.

I like to look [o’re valleys] ;)
Whenever there is rain 
And ponder on the beauty 
Of an earth made clean again

I know when I am baptized
My wrongs are washed away
And I can be forgiven
And improve myself each day 

I want my life to be as clean
As earth right after rain
I want to be the best I can 
And live with God again 

Covenants bring clarity to our lives and renewing them can reset our perspective!

Jordan river happenings that I've been studying/chewing on: the Israelite crossing, and the baptism of Christ

First, the Israelite crossing. Josh 3:14-17
Elder Bednar said about the event, “Recall how the Israelites came to the river Jordan and were promised the waters would part, and they would be able to cross over on dry ground. Interestingly, the waters did not part as the children of Israel stood on the banks of the river waiting for something to happen; rather, the soles of their feet were wet before the water parted. The faith of the Israelites was manifested in the fact that they walked into the water before it parted. They walked into the river Jordan with a future-facing assurance of things hoped for” (“Seek Learning by Faith,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 63)

Symbolic of Christ's Atonement activated in our lives as we exercise our faith in Him aaaand that His sacrifice makes possible our passage to our promised land.

Arc of the Covenant:
Kafara- (word for Atonement in Arabic) also word used for covering of the arc, mercy seat, “the covering of our sins,” seat of God. PRETTY STINKIN COOL

Second, the baptism of Christ Matt 3:13-17
(John baptizing beyond Jordan) in Bethabara بيت عبرة "bait abara" in Arabic, or "the place of crossing." Not sure if that's referring to John baptizing close to a crossing point which would make it easier for his disciples desiring baptism to get to him and in and out of the water, OR if the place was called Bethabara becaaaause of the miraculous river parting/crossing that we just talked about. 

I love this stuff!!
The site where Christ is traditionally believed to have been baptized. Definitely a special spirit there, wish pictures could portray that

 Lots of people getting baptized, Christian pilgrimage site
Aaaand, then we went to the Dead Sea and got to float around and swim in some fun lil pools and just wow what a day!

  Happy to have gotten in some sun today and some bible appreciation feels. God is good and Jordan is the bomb!

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