Aug 22, 2018

Well, for starters...

Hey y'all! There have been a plethora of happy humans who have asked for pictures and updates with this up and coming semester abroad and if you happen to be one of those happy humans, then in the words of Brother Brigham, "This is the place!" I'll try to post once a week and you're very welcome to come along for the ride if your heart so desires.

As a pre-post type dealio, I'll just kinda sum up what I am and am't doing over yonder.

First, this is n-o-t not the Jerusalem center study abroad, sorry to crush your heart (like a grape) and hopes and dreams because apparently no matter how many times I say, "I'm going to Jordan," people still somehow respond along the lines of, "have fun in Jerusalem!" "When do you leave for Jerusalem again," etc etc etc. This is a separate program, in Amman, Jordan, where we'll be going to school and studying ARABIC. Fortunately, we do get to take a hop, skip, and a boat ride over to the Jerusalem center for an Israel/Palestine 12 day excursion at the end of the semester, but the majority of our time will be spent in Jordan.

 ***SIDE NOTE: I was just about to apologize for referencing Tangled twice in the same paragraph, but then I said to myself, "Self, this is exactly what these peeps signed themselves up for," also, it's my blog so I can reference Disney and musicals as much as my lil corazon desires, deal? deal. "I'm so glad we had this talk." ***

Second, people keep asking where Jordan is. "I'll tell you! I don't know. But it's a tradition..." (It's right in the middle of Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt.) Boom, here's  a map. Tada! Ain't she a cute lil country?!

Image result for map of jordan in middle east

Third, am I scared about being in the Middle East? Is my mom scared? That'd be a negative, ghost rider. Jordan is plenty safe and I've been working towards this experience for a looong time. Honestly, my mom's probably mostly at peace about the whole thing because it's through BYU. Works for me! Yay for the Lord's university.

I head out Tuesday, August 28th, and of course I AM SO STOKED, but I'm also super happy for the present to be packing and soaking up family time in the desert. Tootles!

Also, if you never watched our class video from last semester, you really should. We worked pretty hard on that thing! 

Here's the link:

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